Webkitten for Cocoa =================== A native Cocoa implementation of the webkitten interface, integrated with the Lua scripting engine. Installation ------------ Webkitten depends on: - OS X 10.10+ From source ~~~~~~~~~~~ Development dependencies: - make - (BSD) install, or be comfortable editing the Makefile environment - Rust 1.5+, with Cargo (http://doc.crates.io) Once the dependencies are satisfied, run ``make cocoa`` from the root of the repository to generate the ``Webkitten.app`` bundle. Homebrew ~~~~~~~~ Install ``webkitten-cocoa`` from tap using .. code-block:: bash brew cask install kattrali/formulae/webkitten-cocoa Options ------- The webkitten-cocoa binary can be used to open a URI (or several) directly and specify a custom configuration path. However, the default mode for running the app is through an app bundle, obviating these options. .. code-block:: text Usage: webkitten-cocoa [options] [FILE] [FILE ...] Options: -c, --config PATH Use this configuration path -h, --help Print this help text Customization ------------- At this point, you can run Webkitten.app, but it is a blank slate without customized configuration or registered commands. Its a matter of personal preference how you want webkitten to work for you and what commands and keyboard shortcuts (among other things) should be available. 1. View the `configuration options reference`_ and customize your configuration as needed. The default configuration file location is ``$HOME/.config/webkitten/config.toml``. 2. Select commands from webkitten/contrib_ which may be useful to you and install them into your `command search path`_. 3. Write any other commands you need to make your browser perfect. Next steps ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 configuration-options scripting-with-lua .. _command search path: configuration-options.html#command-search-path .. _configuration options reference: configuration-options.html .. _contrib: https://github.com/kattrali/webkitten/tree/master/contrib